City of Findlay, OH
Home MenuFindlay Forward Plan
Click here to read the current Findlay Forward Plan.
Findlay Forward is an ambitious City-wide strategic planning process that will develop a Council driven community Strategic Plan, using input from the entire Findlay community. The process will include an extensive, diverse, and effective engagement process to gather input from the public and other stakeholders within the community. The intended outcomes will include identifying and analyzing emerging trends and community issues, articulating core community values, establishing an action plan (policies, programs, and projects) to implement the vision, and defining a method to revisit and update the plan to ensure ongoing success. A Strategic Plan is a long-term framework that outlines a roadmap for the future of the City. While this plan will be focused on the City as an organization, it often involves collaboration beyond the City elected officials and City staff to include the general public, business and industry representatives, service clubs, non-profit organizations, and school districts. The Strategic Plan is a moment for the community to pause, take stock and define, as a community, what Findlay should be in the future and how to get there. Specifically, it will outline a path of continued success. It is based on input from anyone in the community that cares about the future of the City as a place to thrive, succeed, and prosper. The plan is a guide for City decision-makers and will include an overarching vision that aligns all aspects of the Findlay community life, and identify goals and specific actions the City, Council, and staff will implement.
Why does the City need a Strategic Plan?
In general, planning represents good stewardship. Findlay is a one-of-a-kind City with a rich history. Findlay has been a successful City over the last 30 years and is positioned to continue to be a world-class community for generations to come. To ensure continued success as the City grows, it is important to establish a clear strategy to harness Findlay’s current assets, develop wisely, and position the community to retain and attract citizens, businesses, and investment alike. The Strategic plan will help ensure Findlay’s success for decades to come.
How Will This Affect Me?
As a resident, employee, student, landowner, business owner or other stakeholder, you stand to gain from a well-executed Strategic Plan. This is especially true if you become active in the process and share your thoughts and ideas. This planning process is an opportunity for everyone to get involved and share ideas about the future of Findlay. By sharing ideas, the authentic voice of the community is heard and is reflected in the plan’s recommendations. This planning process seeks to align the City and residents on a common path forward where ideas can get turned into action.How will my input be used?
When you contribute an idea, you are making an impact on the Strategic Plan. Your ideas will serve as the foundation for the community’s vision, contribute to the plan’s goals, inspire specific actions, or set the course for implementation. As City staff and elected officials make decisions about your community, they will rely on the plan and ensure that those City decisions (i.e ordinances and resolutions) align with the Strategic Plan’s goals and actions. All input gathered will be recorded, databased, analyzed, and documented by the Planning Team.
Snapshot Report of Existing Conditions and Trends
Findlay Forward Workshops (Round 1)
Findlay Forward Workshops - Engagement Summary
Findlay Forward Workshops - Full Results
Findlay Forward Draft Plan Review (Round 2)
Findlay Forward Results Round 2 - Full Results
Findlay Forward Business Survey
Findlay Forward Business Survey - Full Results
Findlay Forward Draft Plans
Findlay Forward Draft Actions, December 2022 (Round 2 Engagement Materials)
Findlay Forward Draft Plan, February 9, 2023 Reformatted
Findlay Forward Draft Plan Framework, May 3, 2023