Do I need to get a permit? How long is a permit valid?
If the intended construction is within the City limits, then a permit is required. Please contact the Zoning Department to obtain a Zoning Permit.
A permit is necessary to assure that your project is being built according to city zoning and construction specifications. This way your project is reviewed before construction to avoid potential and sometimes costly problems.
Most permits are valid for one year, beginning at the application date.
Does the City maintain a list of licensed sewer tappers?
The Engineering Department maintains a list of licensed sewer tappers. These contractors know the city's required specifications for sewer taps. The list is available on the Permit & License Information page.
Does the City maintain a list of licensed sidewalk contractors?
The Engineering Department maintains a list of licensed sidewalk contractors. Citizens are encouraged to utilize contractors from this list for installation of new sidewalks or repair of existing sidewalks. These contractors know the city's required specifications for sidewalk repair.
The list of licensed sidewalk contractors is also available on the Permit & License Information page.
How is a zoning permit obtained?
The process is rather simple. A site plan indicating the location and dimension of the lot lines must be submitted showing the dimensions and location of all existing and proposed buildings and structures. An application (available online) must also accompany the plan. As long as all of the information is supplied, the permit is usually ready to be picked up the following business day after 1:00 p.m.
A zoning permit is valid for one year after the date of its issuance.
How long is a zoning permit good for?
A zoning permit is valid for one year after the date of its issuance.
How much does a zoning permit or tap fee cost?
Fees vary depending on a variety of factors.
Please refer to the Zoning Permit fee schedule found on the Zoning Department page.
Please refer to the Engineering Permit and Tap Fee schedule found on the Permit & License Information page for Engineering permit fees, such as water, sewer, sidewalk, etc.
What happens if I do not obtain a permit?
A permit is necessary to assure that your project is being built according to city zoning and construction specifications. This allows your project to be reviewed before construction to avoid potential and sometimes costly problems.
If you fail to obtain a permit before construction starts or the change of use to any property:
the cost could be as much as three times the normal permit fee;
your project could be stopped until you acquire the proper permits;
if the project does not meet city specifications, you could be required to remove all construction.
Most permits are valid for one year, beginning at the application date. Please contact the Zoning Department to obtain a Permit.
What is a Rotary Fee?
A rotary fee is charged to connect to a waterline or sanitary sewer that was constructed and paid for by someone else. This fee is based on the front footage of your property and is then used to reimburse those who paid for the construction. In cases where no party is available to accept a reimbursement or when the waterline (or sewer) was originally constructed by the City, rotary fees are placed in a Rotary Fund, which City Council administers. Lots in subdivisions or parcels that were assessed for the original construction would not be charged a rotary fee.
What requires a zoning permit?
Virtually all new construction requires a permit. This includes additions, sheds, decks, fences, swimming pool, and signs. Any time a property changes its use, a zoning permit is also required. When in doubt, call the zoning office to see if your particular project must have a zoning permit.
When will my street be paved or curbs and gutters be replaced?
The Engineering Department tracks street complaints and is aware of pavement conditions throughout the City. When choosing streets for a Resurfacing Project, the decision is made on a worst first basis, until the available dollars are spent. Sometimes other factors can affect the decision to resurface a street including: the amount of traffic traveling the street; needed waterline or sewer work that would require digging in pavement; excessive roadway failure requiring complete reconstruction of the street; or planned future maintenance or project.
For streets not included on the resurfacing list in a given year, the Public Works Department can often provide some relief through patching or other methods of improvements.
Where do I get a zoning permit?
If the intended construction is within the City limits, contact the Zoning Office, at 419-424-7108 or visit the Zoning page.
For other permits, such as water, sewer, sidewalk, etc., please contact the Engineering Department at 419-424-7121 or visit the Engineering page.